
I forget how to make like someone

I forget how

People shouldn’t end by saying that they’ll forget anyway…

It seems easy to give up like that, it hurts as long as you don’t forget the words and time goes by. Burning is your job, waste, time pays for saying “I’ll forget anyway”. You pay, you pay, it’s not over.

Of course, there will be some that you will not forget.


That day was different, unlike any other day. As a matter of fact, it showed that other days were different as well. If someone in the world is different for you from everyone else, not everyone stays around you at that moment. Everyone is different, just because of “that one”. And some articles are very different from others, it is not clear to whom it was written, you cannot understand it in one reading. Some people are like those writings; he leaves you, you can’t find him again, you don’t know why he left… Going for that “someone” who came into our lives should be banned and not even as a hobby….

Note to future lover: Don’t come to go.

To make love

Life is not a place designed for you and live as long as you want and you will never find what you are looking for. Being satisfied is the hardest. You will be a little careless, there are things that give you peace other than sleeping, resting and making love. Sleeping is good, so is making love… Not every lovemaking has to accommodate the pop and the breast. A person can make love without these, but the brain compresses the word “make love” between certain objects, which we know very well. As I said at the very beginning; life is not a place designed for you, it is a place where you can design it according to your own tastes. Sometimes it only makes you happy, but a loneliness that becomes a continuity gives you boredom, because one’s own hands are not enough forever. And it is more important than what a sentence tells, how you understand that sentence by the lover. Think differently, look differently, live differently…
Maybe making love is something other than what comes to mind and comes to mind…

Maybe I know everything wrong.

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