
Don’t Rely on Your Current Strategy

Features of your strategy

You might think, “If your strategy worked before, it might work now.” At the end of one of my lectures, a businessman came and I presented a your strategy: “If a customer is not happy with the situation, I recommend agreeing on an average number. This your strategy has worked many times. But I always wondered.. Is that a good idea?”

No, agreeing on an average number might work for your strategy in many situations, but might be a very bad idea in another situation. Because the customer many times; “Sorry, I can’t agree on a common figure with you. But we are very close to this agreement. If you fill the small gap in the figure, we will agree,” I witnessed him say.

What’s wrong with suggesting agreement on a common figure and thinking it will work? In this case, you run the risk of not only failing to resolve the matter, but also complicating the terms.

No matter how many problems you have overcome in the past with your current strategy, you need to analyze the situation you are in and develop a strategy accordingly. You can achieve this by using the four strategic steps in this maklae.

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