I was loneliness all year and spent a lonely year. Here is the new year… I circled around New York today lonely. The last time I walked down lonely Manhattan Street. In front of a bank on the street, next to the cash machines, I saw someone lying wrapped in a yellow-brown tones blanket, but I didn’t turn around. Nobody was looking anyway. Everybody lonely, People were drawing money from the cash machine right next to where he lay. Some of them just walked like me lonely. In short, as long as that person lies there, you and I are bad. What is the main cause of loneliness? Loneliness can also be attributed to internal factors such as low self-esteem. I don’t blame anyone, and he’s probably just a bad guy lying there like that. One should not be exhausted from loneliness in the world… How do i know if i am lonely? If you feel like you‘ve been more stressed than normal recently, you could just be lonely. We have entered the new year. We had fun in New York, we welcomed the new year with thousands of prostitute souls. Thank you loneliness… Thank you too, beautiful girl.