
Letter written to a young girl seen and met for the first time

Dear ladies,

I have decided to write this letter to you, as I understand that I will no longer have control over my will. You have taken such a place in my life from the day I saw and met you for the first time that it is impossible to understand it with words… Believe me, I can’t think of anything other than you anymore. My whole being is filled with you alone and only…

I still don’t know how I got to this point. You enchanted me with your magical eyes. You blew my mind with your sweet voice. You tied me to yourself like a slave, a piece in a moment.

After breaking up with you, rest assured that I’m drunk. My head was spinning. I could not grasp what the great effect you had left on me was.

What did I become? Did the sun hit me? Why was I thinking alone and alone? Why was your slightest gesture, a smile, a twist of your arm, a twist of your lip, a laugh, a look so riveted in the depths of my soul? Why wasn’t I thinking of anything, yes, anything but you?

I think about all this and here I confess. In the first days, I was angry with myself… was I such a weak-willed youth?

I should have forgotten you by curbing my feelings.. I have met hundreds of young girls and youngest women in my life; I spoke; I made friends. Weren’t you one of them? Why was I attached to you with such extreme, such other feelings? Yes, I should have forgotten about you. I feel myself from you, these thoughts and decisions bankrupt. I realized that my whole being, which I had forced to forget you, was filled with you. Everything, every effort was in vain.

Yes, that’s the bitter truth… I love you. I’m crazy for you. You are my everything. There is no way I can live without you…

The moment they introduced us, we met eye to eye while shaking my hand. Do you remember that moment?

How will you remember that moment? But for me, that moment is the most exciting of the moments lived, the moments to be lived and the biggest. The arrows of love that came out of your eyes pierced my heart at that moment, never to come out again. Your love engulfed my whole being at that moment.

Until I got to know you, I longed for the looks that I haven’t seen for years, the way a great love burns my soul…

As in the legendary love story, I even believe that I could burn to death the moment I touched you.

You are a unique treasure, not only in substance, but also in spirit.

Here I opened my heart to you as it is. Despite everything, there is a tiny glimmer of hope in me. I say, maybe this great love of mine can get a response from your side as well.

Oh, can I believe that?
If I could only believe… Then I would definitely be the happiest person on earth.

Loving you like crazy…

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