That day was different, it wasn’t like any other day. As a matter of fact, it showed that other days were different as well. If someone in the world is different for you from everyone else, not everyone stays around you at that moment. Everyone is different, just because of that ‘someone’. And some articles are very different from others, it is not clear to whom it was written, you cannot understand it in one reading. Some people are like those writings; he leaves you, you can’t find him again, you don’t know why he left.. Going for that “someone” who comes into our lives should be banned and not even as a hobby…
And the crux of the public story is this; they can’t actually decipher you, there is only writing. Bad for some, out of you for others. For some girls you can draw a perfect male profile, for some girls you can’t go beyond being an extreme girl. Well, you can’t predict what they will be sure to encounter. Water is the most important drink for lizards, but when increased selectively, water becomes a highly preferred substance. People are like that, and so am I, both senses must be human, tea and coffee. What the other person sees you as, of course. Oh there are some girls, you can be the water of life, you can also make tea… That girl can be his coffee… She wants, she drinks again…
inside the circle
Because life doesn’t give you exactly what you want. So whenever you die, you always die a little short. Some leave while they love, some cannot find the love of a lifetime. Life gives you what you want, not what you want. This is also called destiny. We’ll drink some. I threw you in the circle. Don’t let fate mess with it.
Perhaps the furthest distance in the world is between our lips.