Classy ché Extra Dont Cry Sunbae

Dont Cry Sunbae

Sunbaee !!!!

Throw it in. You know they won’t understand. Even if you tell them, you know much better that they will act as if they understand. Let you stay too. Why bother explaining it to those who don’t understand when it’s such an easy thing to throw in? You are already tired. Sometimes you need someone who can understand things without telling you, right?

Me too.

Does it happen to you sometimes too?

Don’t the walls seem more sincere than the people who say, “Tell me, come on”?

I’ve been through a lot. Only those walls witnessed those moments when I cried for hours. Because no matter how much you explain, they won’t be able to go beyond pretending to understand you.

You stay with yourself. Throw it in. Let it accumulate. We know that no matter how much you upset your morale, it will not improve.

Cry even if you think you shouldn’t cry. Crying is fine. It’s worse not being able to cry when he’s in it.

If you get cold, we will meet in the same song, I will hug you there, okay? Just when I’m tired of telling you, you come up to me, I hug you instead of crying.

The Color of Hope is Green

What I thought would never happen has happened. The things that I looked to see were getting further and further away from me. That’s how life is. A little strange, full of strange surprises. You do what you say you won’t do, life makes you do it. It’s not a big talk thing.

Sometimes you have to give it time. Because people have always misled us. What we call immutable changes one morning. We are happy when we forget the things we say we will not forget and forget happiness.

We get hurt, then we change. We don’t do anything we used to enjoy doing, and we find ourselves in the arms of music that we say we don’t listen to.

There is no need to be hopeless. Just as our happiness ends, it ends in despair. It may hurt a little, but every good thing hurts a little bit.

Half of tomorrows

Some things are left unfinished. Unfinished is better for tomorrow as it will never end.

We were half shards of the same piece as you. No matter how hard we tried, something was always missing to come together. You are my best unfinished half. You are my most beautiful resentment, my cold tea that I forgot in my glass. We were two travelers walking the same road as you, but going to different places.

Some beauties are left unfinished.
smile on the lip
cup of tea,
read books,
letters written….

Some interruptions are better for tomorrow. Maybe you don’t realize it at that moment, but then you will have good wishes. But no matter how broken you are, never be a person’s wish. Stay well in mind. When you force memory, your smiling face comes to mind.

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