Classy ché Extra You Mix Become Everyone

You Mix Become Everyone


You are mixing into the night day by day. While your ordinary sentences were pouring on your lips, I used to listen to you between my palms as if I was listening to a poem. Even the most talented poet’s poems can’t make my heart tremble anymore.

The more you mix, the more you mix with people, as you mix, the ice floes in my heart dissolve. Look, now it was the biggest betrayal as we struggled in a flood. It was the biggest betrayal of myself to come back to your eyes. When I looked into his eyes again, I should have understood from the suicide of the butterflies inside me that a big earthquake would happen again.

Come on, you go now. You used up the luck given to you in a short time. It makes more sense to go crazy than eat your lies now. I am a dreamer who tried to grow roses among the ashes. My hopes will sprout again, but you go now. Don’t let new excuses come out of your mouth, sentences that start with “I love” and end with “but” don’t interest me. You’re the poisonous blood that got into the wrong body now, come on, collect your tears. Pick up and go, don’t ask for halal, I left my right to the right. Whatever your right is, live it from now on. Then I have no words of farewell to say goodbye to you.

What was love

I was loved once. Whenever I saw him in front of me, I felt as if all the blood in my body was collected on my cheeks.

He would look into my eyes and look from the inside, as if he were seeing the reflection of everything beautiful in the world. For example, he loved my fingers and my smile. Rolling faces drove him away from me. Yes, this is how my heart met the first pain of life.

I’ve been very busy. I would pray for hours just to get a few seconds into your mind. How bad isn’t it? Being desperate enough to pray in order to come to the mind of a person who was once on your mind.

If I knew you were going, I would have wrapped up your scent. I used to decorate our dreams with flowers. I wouldn’t have brought even little fights into our short life. I just thought I was loved. I didn’t realize that when you got into my heart your purpose was to tear it apart.

I’ve only been loved once in this life. I thought I was loved too.

There are fingerprints on all my sorrows that seem insurmountable.

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