Health & Wellness

Celebrate Your Self Like Josie Canseco

For serious gains, try the full-body workout Josie Canseco loves.

Shaped arms, an inch waist, tight legs and shapely hips need not only low body fat, but also lean muscle tissue to be gained through smart weight training. Exercise should not be thought of as a punishment for what you ate the day before, but rather as a celebration of what your body can do. Food is the fuel you need to do your best in your workouts and recover for the next time! You can have one of those sexy bodies by working out like an athlete. This full-body workout is based on supersets that help increase the challenge that you can complete in a single workout.

Josie Canseco’s body workout!

Tempo Training

One of the aspects of weight training that I care about the most is that it requires a certain and perfectly executed pace. By applying this basic training principle, you will also increase the physiological responses to your exercises such as hormonal secretion and metabolic stimulation. In general, the first months of the program use a tempo of 4010 or 3010 for most exercises.

Annotated tempo numbering:

In the example above, the first number 4 represents the lowering time of the lift. Practicing a slow and controlled pace helps build muscle tension.

The second number 0 indicates that when you reach the end of the range of motion, or at the bottom of the lift, there is no hold and the weight is lifted immediately.

The weight lifting phase is the third number, in this case 1, and represents a one-second count.

The last number 0 indicates that there is no pause or rest in the upper position and the cycle will be repeated in dmrt seconds, again with a controlled descent.

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