I have too much thinking problem, I don’t find the person in front of me sincere when I can’t put meaningless explanations in my head. I can’t settle for people’s lies anymore. People who are different from what they do and say make me sick to my stomach. For this reason, I cannot digest the lies that my heart has believed.
I mean, when I put the stones in place, it doesn’t carve a stone in my throat. When a stranger does this, he cares, but when he does what he feels like, it hurts.
All fires actually start here. I’m leaving people who left too many question marks back to where they came from. I don’t have any hope that it will go all the way to the end of the road and get better. The ancients didn’t say for nothing, “whatever it is at 7, it is at 70”.
I no longer defraud a person whose heart is surrounded by excuses.
I don’t want to think too much anymore. I do not want problem. I want to trust with my eyes closed. Instead of thinking, “Why did he do that?” in a move, I want to be comfortable enough to say if he did it, he knows something.
This city hears a lot of sentences starting with “hello” and ending with “goodbye”. That’s why climates live.