Classy ché Extra 5 Behaviors That Show You’re Jealous

5 Behaviors That Show You’re Jealous

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Jealousy is an emotion that many people experience, so it is not a trait that is not considered morbid. However, it is enough to read the middle pages of a few newspapers to see what excess can cause. In fact, a few of them are harmful, but they are not taken seriously because they only burn the grapple itself without causing much damage to the environment. Most of us don’t even find ourselves jealous. But having at least one of the following behaviors will make you jealous. Don’t be jealous, envious!

You can’t share the people you love

The definition of the person you love is pretty broad, for jealous people. This could be a member of the family, your lover or friend. It doesn’t matter. If you think that everyone around you is just yours and you have to compete with others about it and you have a small storm inside you, congratulations, you’re jealous!

You are not very open to new people

Jealous people set up safe spaces too quickly. If others enter this area, they can be as predatory as a tiger. For this reason, a newcomer to the world, a child just starting out, even that tiny baby in a cradle who has just entered the family is defined as a fall. A world where you are always loved and loved without new people is the most ideal world for you.

you are a real stalker

Among the norms of jealousy is not only envy of loved ones. You are also jealous of other people and lives that you do not know. For this reason, you spend most of your life browsing his social media accounts in front of your phone. If you even know the salary of a person’s ex-wife’s new girlfriend, you are a solid stalker and jealous.

If you often compare yourself to people

Just as stalking these people is not enough, you also compare yourself and your lives with people. What he dressed, ate, drank or said today, these are all separate problems for you. In your mind, you either constantly despise this person or you spend a lot of time trying to be like him.

You think jealousy is a normal emotion

Do you think that all people experience the same feelings anyway, and there is nothing to exaggerate about that. This is the biggest indicator that jealousy is a mild mental illness: people don’t know themselves. So as we said when we were kids; Don’t be jealous, envious!

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