
This Portrait Series Highlights the Rude Comments People With Skin Conditions Hear Every Day

This portrait series sheds light on the hurtful and insensitive comments that people with skin conditions often hear on a daily basis. The project aims to raise awareness about the impact of these comments and the importance of empathy and understanding.

Each portrait in the series features an individual with a skin condition, such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis, along with a quote showcasing a rude or hurtful comment they have received. The comments range from ignorant remarks about the individual’s appearance to insensitive questions about their condition.

By highlighting these comments, the series seeks to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about skin conditions. It also encourages viewers to think before they speak and consider the impact their words can have on others.

The portraits are powerful and emotive, capturing the resilience and strength of the individuals featured. They serve as a reminder that behind every skin condition is a person who deserves respect and kindness.

Source by wabe69mo

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