Love is unquestionably a perception that anybody interprets it in their own individual way and diagnoses it according to their own criteria. Especially whenever using couples, the judgment sentences I encounter the the majority are: “He doesn’t love me anymore”, “If he really loved me, he would have said this or that”, “One gets jealous on the one he loves”, “If I don’t love him a great deal, I wouldn’t be so interested (I wouldn’t get involved)”… Many individuals decide to like or perhaps be loved based on criteria they’ve got filtered from their own experiences. We can easily summarize…
Lovedd!!!! You know what’s the worst? Now you will neither know what I love nor what I hate. You will never know your place in this heart. In a world where people longing to be loved are so hungry to be loved, you will no longer know your place in this heart. However, all I wanted was to meet you at the same table for a Sunday breakfast. It was you refreshing my tea when I ran out of tea. There was no need for make-up, you were beautiful when you looked at me…As long as you love…Because a woman…
Loveddd!!!! And you say, “I loved one of your servants very much”… You know, we are all servants, we do not have a superiority over each other, we are obligatory guardians of standard lives. We live as if we are not going to die, and we all want to love one more than the other. But it doesn’t happen! As he says in the song; I loved a servant very much and he doesn’t love me at all.” Even Xtina can get involved sometimes, and a man who has everything can cry because of him, and sometimes a man who…
The Sorrows of Life Let whatever is left inside of you is finished. Don’t go back to your crusted wounds and stick nails anymore. Let the seasons change. Why do you want to be so cold? Don’t let another cloud fall from the sky. If the other party doesn’t make any effort and doesn’t care about your efforts, let it go. So don’t try any harder. In the end, you will still be the one to suffer. A person who doesn’t care about what he’s doing won’t worry about your sadness. Throw out everything that has accumulated your inside. For…