Son yıllarda, modern yaşamın stres dolu temposu insanları daha sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzına yöneltti. Wellness ve mental sağlık hareketleri, bu dönüşümün bir parçası olarak hem zihin hem de beden için dengeli bir yaşam sağlamayı hedefliyor. Wellness, bireylerin yaşam kalitesini artırmayı ve hem fiziksel hem de zihinsel sağlıklarını optimize etmeyi amaçlayan bir yaşam felsefesidir. Bu bağlamda mental sağlık, wellness’in ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak öne çıkıyor. Wellness Nedir ve Neden Önemlidir? Wellness, yalnızca fiziksel sağlığa değil, aynı zamanda zihinsel ve duygusal refaha da odaklanan bütünsel bir yaklaşımdır. Düzenli egzersiz, sağlıklı beslenme, yeterli uyku ve mindfulness gibi uygulamalar, wellness’in temel taşlarını oluşturur. Bu…
Homes for Nomads was one of the books that I came across during the pandemic period and that inspired me as much as the world. I would like to start with a short sentence that I remember from this work, which is full of decoration ideas preferred by 19 different travelers who adopt a universal point of view while having the courage to be themselves: “Inspired by every moment of your life; It is possible to turn your home into your favorite travel destination.” When I first read this sentence, I realized that a stereotyped thought was reshaped in my…
Generally, women think that when they use protein powder, their muscles will get stronger and look bigger. Although these thoughts may cause you to have a biased attitude at first, when protein powder is used for women, its effects can give good results contrary to what is believed. Damian Soong shares his view on women’s use of protein powder. From dark chocolate to coconut, from different flavors to vegan options, you can consume these foods either alone or as part of your morning smoothie at the gym. “Given that men and women differ in obviously physiological ways, and it makes…
Professor James Goodwin, director of science and research impact at Brain Health Network, in his book Supercharge Your Brain, mentions that the brain’s connections are very strong and adds; “The brain is a mysterious organ, and until two or three years ago we didn’t even know that the brain regenerates itself throughout life. But it is, and how you live your life has a huge impact on it.” Goodwin adds that inflammation is a “brain health killer,” so taking steps to minimize it are necessary. Goodwin now shares some important ways to improve your brain health. get some exercise every…
What time of the day do you like to consume the coffee? Are you one of those who cannot wake up without coffee in the morning, or who say I should drink a cup of coffee after every meal? Coffee has become so embedded in our culture that it can be consumed almost at any time of the day. After all, a cup of coffee has forty years sake. So what effects does caffeine have on your metabolism and can it have a say on when you drink coffee? Let’s explore the answer to this question together. In a study…